Preset pack - memories on film

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⬆️ Level up any photo with 1-click, from your phone

If you find that your photos don’t stand out and feel a bit boring, these presets are for you.

Boost views + engagement with these film-inspired looks.

Preset pack for Adobe Lightroom mobile + desktop.

📦 What is this preset pack?

A curated collection of presets to match my film-like editing style.

Save hours of editing, with just 1-click from your phone or desktop.

These presets will work on photos taken by your phone or camera.

🖼️ What’s included?

This preset pack includes:

  • 20 film-like presets
  • 5 basic adjustments (desktop only)
  • 17 creative adjustments (desktop only)
  • Easy installation guide

Perfect for a range of different photography styles including:

  • Street
  • Landscape
  • Portrait
  • Lifestyle
  • Urban
  • Product

⚙️ How does it work?

  1. Complete your purchase.
  2. You'll go to a page where you can access this product (you’ll also get an email).
  3. Remember to bookmark the page or favourite the email to access it forever.
  4. There will also be instructions provided for this product.
  5. Use these presets to make your photos stand out on socials.

☎️ For any questions or queries

  1. DM me on my socials
  2. or email me at


What program are these presets compatible with?

Compatible with Adobe Lightroom and Lightroom Classic (both desktop and mobile versions). I've included XMP (for desktop) and DNG files (for mobile).

How do I install the presets?

Follow the installation guide included with the download. Once in Lightroom, scroll over them until you find one that fits your photo. I’ve also included some tips to help you make the most of the presets.

What file types do these presets work on?

These presets work on both RAW and JPEG files.

How do these presets work on a phone?

I recommend changing your phone settings to your phone manufacturer’s RAW mode for the best results. e.g. Turn your iPhone’s ProRAW setting ‘on.’ These presets are optimised for these settings. However, these still work on regular JPEG images straight out of your phone.

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Preset pack - memories on film

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